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Showing posts from September, 2010

Q&A: Why , Am I Ready for a Healthy Relationship?

          On September 20, 2010, the Emmanuel Institute students were blessed by the Relationship class presented by Pr. Steven Conway. After the opening prayer, Ps. Conway took us by surprise when he started the class by having us answered a simple question on a piece of paper. That question is, “Why am I ready for a healthy relationship?” This took me as a surprise because I was not ready for such an inquiring question. I mean, I have never been asked such question before, yet, that was the question I needed to answer. So, on my piece of blank paper I wrote this statement: I do not believe that I am ready for any kind of human relationship. However, if I am ready for a healthy relationship, I need to comprehend the essential motivation behind the relationship. I do not believe that relationship should be directed toward self-loving or self-gratification. However, relationship should have the primary goal or motivation in loving God. Therefore, it is impossible to love God when

Dear the Youth and the Leaders of the Indonesian churches

Dear the youth and the leaders of the Indonesian churches, Last night I have prayed for many of friends and families, however, I have dedicated special time to pray for our young people and the leaders of the Indonesian church. This morning, as I devote my morning on Romans 5, I found the urge to write to you. Young people, the life that you live today is not of your own. Think about this clearly, we live in a sinful world, and at any second, your life may end in tragedy. You may lose your health, you may lose your eyes, you may break your arm, you may be paralyzed, and you may lose what matters to you the most. You may lose your parents or siblings. You may even lose your own life. I do pray that you may be well at this moment. However, please look around you, and if it is your will, compare yourself to Romans 1:28-32. I have fallen in this category and deserve death. Yet, I would love to introduce to you the One, whom you may have heard, the One who is changing my heart daily. Jes

Stop Pleasing God.

Throughout my stay here in Emmanuel Institute, I have learned so much of spiritual things. I’ve met convictions after convictions with my own self and have seen a new perspective of the love of God. Think about this. From Genesis, it is God who made the earth and the sky. It is God that placed the stars in its orbit. It is God, who provided the air we breathe. It is God who has chosen the line of extinctions. It is God who chooses to extinct the people in Noah’s time and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah because they have chosen the self-pleasing life. It is God who chose a specific nation to be a light for this world. It is God who chose to walk with them, to rebuke them, and to show them the love that He has for them. It is God who wrote the law of heaven and earth in the two tablets of stones. It is God who chose His only Son to come to this sinful world. It is God who chose to show this sinful world of how to walk in His stature. It is God who was mocked, accursed, beaten and spit

A Talk with Attilio Bonatti

During my stay in Emmanuel Institute, I've created friendship with many of my classmates and staffs. One that I can mention is the friendship between Attilio and I. Born in Italy, live in Canada, yet, have an abounding knowledge of the truth in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. I've gain much respect from him due to what I've seen. With a humble heart and sincere personality he can elaborate scriptures and the love of God, via the Bible, in such a way that opened my eyes on the spiritual things. This morning for example, we got to talk about the love of Christ. To understand why Christ died for us, we need to understand the reason why. He brought me to a passage in Deuteronomy where father cannot die for the sin of his children and the same way with the child. And the way he made me think of the Gospel and the love of God, I can see that there was no way that God can brake that commandment. Therefore, Jesus, have to be me. So the new perspective of how I see Christ

Journal: 09/16/2010

       It started with God awakened me prior to my alarm blaring, which is set at 4:00AM. Prayed, read my Bible on Luke 24:1-12 continuing what I’ve read the book of Luke. I read the passage several time, and meditated on it, read it again, and it dawned on me. Verses 12, there it talked about Peter. What hits me was the fact that it was Peter, who betrayed Jesus to be the first one to rise and the first one to run to Jesus tomb. Of course I looked at the same story on the book of John, that John too ran after Peter, and in the mid of the way, John surpassed Peter. As John reached the tomb, from the mouth of the tomb, John glanced at the inside. However, I can just picture Peter rushing behind John, pushing off of the mouth of the tomb to try to see Jesus. John said that Peter rushed inside (not just at the door), but Peter rushed inside, stoop down, and noted the folded linen cloth. That story was so amazing. Here, I can picture Peter, the day prior to Jesus’ death, Peter swore that h

Scribble: Not Yours but God's

“It is not the capabilities you now possess or ever will have that will give you success. It is that which the Lord can do for you. We need to have far less confidence in what man can do and far more confidence in what God can do for every believing soul.” Colporteur Ministry Chap 18, p.119 This quote was shared to me by a wonderful Literature Evangelist instructor named Rebecca Jaegar. She was and still is passionate about this work. This quote that she shared made me see a different aspect of how God work in our life. I am pessimistic. I see things in its negativity. The “positive” side of it is that I do my best to make the negative positive in my mind. E.g., knocking at a stranger’s door, who owned a dog in the house? In my mind, I see many negative things that may happen to me, but just for an example I’ll show you one. The dog barking for example, so, I turn negative to positive by thinking that there is no way that the dog can harm me, especially from inside the house. So, t

Journal: "Wake Up Call" - 09/15/2010

"The Lord GOD has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to  him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear To hear as the learned. " - Isaiah 50:4 NKJV This verse is profound to me because it helps me understand that God is willing to speak to you in the morning. He would like to awakens you morning by morning. "He awakens my ear to hear as the learned". We've heard the story of Samuel, how God woke him twice before Eli the priest acknowledged Samuel that God is wanting to speak to him on the third call. Friends, God is willing to speak to us every morning. Luke 21:37, 38 articulate how Jesus spoke in the temple "early in the morning," and the people seek to hear Jesus' word. Jesus speaks in the morning. When God awakens you in the morning, would you spend that first hour or even the first minute of your day "listening" to what God's message has i